March 20, 2012

Matter G13 and memories

This post is, in particular, for skaters in '90 and first years of new millennium. So, what about Matter G13? In that years Matter didn't exsist.
From the release, Matter G13 has been used in several conditions, on track and road. The company promotes the excellent characteristics and the victories with this wheel.
Now I ask you a question. In past, which were allround wheels par excellence?
The answer after the jump.

It's simple, they are the Hyper Hyperformance +Grip!
Do you remember? Here they are:
When you didn't know which wheels you should use in a race, there were the "+grip". When you forgot your wheels at home, you was lucky if you had the +grip mounted. In the rain they were the unique wheels decent. So much races made together. So much training made with this wheel to finish, where it was warn after some races. Then, there were some theories about the differences between the wheels made in US and Italy, with the first one maybe made with better materials. Is it true?
They moment of glory is during the use of 80 mm. diameter's wheels. With the switch to 84 mm. wheels, +grip become white and blue. Never was as before, they changed the materials.
So many memories.

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